Terms of Sale

The sale of products on our E-commerce platform is governed by the following general terms and conditions (hereinafter "General Conditions"), which regulate the relationship between SuperYou of Deseo srl., with registered office in via Cavone, 4, Procida - 80079 (NA), and email address hello@superyouskin.it, VAT number 06191211215, (hereinafter "SuperYou"), and the Customer.


The definitions of the terms listed in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are as follows:

- **Consumer**: an individual who makes purchases on the E-commerce for personal purposes, excluding those related to entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal, or professional activities, and who is at least 18 years old.
- **Customer**: a consumer who purchases one or more products through the E-commerce, acting in accordance with the established General Conditions.
- **E-commerce**: represents the online store accessible at https://www.superyouskin.com/, where it is possible to purchase products.
- **Parties**: collectively refers to SuperYou and the Customer.
- **Products**: items offered for sale on the E-commerce.
- **Personal Area**: a section of the E-commerce exclusively reserved for the Customer, which, after authentication, allows access to specific features offered by SuperYou.
- **Website**: corresponds to https://www.superyouskin.com/.

2. **OBJECT**

Online sales of Products by SuperYou to the Customer are regulated by the General Conditions. The essential characteristics of the Products are described in detail on each product page of the E-commerce. The images and colors of the Products aim to faithfully represent their real characteristics but may not be completely accurate for technical reasons. Therefore, SuperYou cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies between the images of the Products displayed on the E-commerce and the reality due to such technical limitations.

SuperYou undertakes to verify that the reviews of the Products published by users on the Website are authentic and come from Consumers who have actually purchased and/or used the Products. However, these reviews may not be fully verified or fully represent reality for technical reasons.

SuperYou sells its Products online exclusively to Consumers and reserves the right not to accept orders from non-Consumer Customers or those who do not comply with its commercial policy, at its sole discretion.

Information about the range of Products available through the E-commerce is viewable on the Website along with the relevant details. However, SuperYou reserves the right to refuse orders that appear unusual in terms of quantity or frequency of purchases.

It is strictly forbidden for the Customer to resell, rent, lease, or transfer the Products purchased on the E-commerce for commercial and/or professional purposes.


3.1 **Registration**

To proceed with the purchase of Products offered by the E-commerce, registration is necessary. To register, the Customer must accurately complete and submit the appropriate form through the provided means, entering their personal data in the dedicated fields. The Customer guarantees that the information and personal data provided during registration and thereafter are complete and truthful.

The registration will be completed only after the Customer has received and confirmed the confirmation email by clicking on the attached link. At the end of this process, a Personal Area will be created for the Customer, from which they can view their purchases, check their wishlist, and update their credentials. The registration credentials and access to the Personal Area are for the exclusive use of the Customer and must not be shared with third parties. The Customer undertakes to keep their credentials confidential and to take appropriate security measures to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to the Personal Area, promptly reporting any misuse or unauthorized or prohibited access to SuperYou.

3.2 **Purchase**

After completing the registration, the Customer can start the purchase procedure. Before proceeding, it is necessary to carefully read the General Conditions, especially the clauses relating to withdrawal, and print a paper copy or save it on a permanent storage device that allows conserving and retrieving the information in the future for an adequate period.

To purchase Products through the E-commerce, the Customer must complete the electronic order form and send it to SuperYou following the instructions provided on the site.

Before sending the order form, the Customer must verify and correct any errors in the data entry, ensuring they have selected the desired Product. In case of correction needs, the data can be modified by clicking on the "edit data" button. For the Customer's guarantee, SuperYou will send an order receipt via email, containing a summary of the information entered in the order form. The Customer must check the receipt of this documentation, possibly also checking the spam folder.

Before sending the order form, the Customer is responsible for verifying the final price, considering that the cost of the Product will be the one indicated on the Website at the time of the order. The contract for the purchase of the selected Product(s), with full application and effectiveness of the General Conditions, will be concluded when SuperYou receives the payment from the Customer, following the telematic transmission of the duly completed order form.

By sending the order form and the related payment, the Customer confirms that they have understood the General Conditions, as well as all other information provided in the E-commerce. Once the purchase is completed in accordance with the General Conditions, SuperYou will proceed with the order management.

The languages available for consulting the General Conditions are only Italian and English.

Sometimes there may be problems related to the availability of some Products. In these cases, SuperYou will promptly inform the Customer via email and offer the option to choose between purchasing a similar item to the one unavailable or canceling the order. If the Customer opts for cancellation, they will be promptly refunded.


Each Product listed on SuperYou's E-commerce is marked with one of the following availability indications:

- Available in stock.
- Not available in stock.
- Available on request.

SuperYou reserves the right not to provide information on the availability of Products in the E-commerce. The type and availability of Products may change without any liability from SuperYou towards the Customer.

The indication of Product availability is not binding; however, Products marked as "not available" cannot be ordered by the Customer. SuperYou will not accept orders with incomplete or untruthful data or for Products that are not available.

If the Products shown on the E-commerce are no longer available or are not for sale at the time the order is sent and SuperYou cannot proceed with the purchase, it will inform the Customer via email and refund the amount already paid.


Each Product purchased through the E-commerce is subject to the legal warranty provided directly by SuperYou, in accordance with applicable law.

To enforce the warranty, the Customer must notify the defect within 2 (two) months from its discovery, by sending a registered letter to SuperYou at the indicated address, specifying the detected defect and keeping the purchase receipt.

Unless proven otherwise, it is presumed that a conformity defect emerging within 6 (six) months from the Product delivery was present at the time of delivery unless this is incompatible with the type of Product or defect.

After notifying the conformity defect, SuperYou reserves the right to propose appropriate remedies to the Customer.

In case of a conformity defect, the Customer is entitled to the free restoration of the Product's conformity through repair or replacement, or an appropriate price reduction or contract termination.

The Customer can request SuperYou, at its discretion, to repair or replace the Product at no additional cost in both cases, unless the requested remedy is objectively impossible or excessively costly compared to the other.

A minor conformity defect, for which it has not been possible or would have been excessively burdensome to proceed with repair or replacement, does not entitle the Customer to terminate the purchase contract according to the General Conditions.


Post-sales support is managed directly by SuperYou, which can be contacted for any questions at hello@superyouskin.com. SuperYou reserves the right to provide post-sales assistance through authorized service providers indicated on the Website or communicated in response to the Customer's assistance requests.

7. **PRICES**

The prices of Products and related transport costs may be subject to changes and are inclusive of VAT.

For example, the price includes VAT if the Products are shipped and delivered within the European Union. If the Products are shipped and delivered outside the European Union, the price does not include VAT.

Information on Product prices, charges, taxes, and fees is detailed on each Product page. Shipping costs are specified in the order form.

Transport costs, included in the total amount displayed, are charged to the Customer based on a fixed rate that depends on the selected courier and the destination country of the shipment.

The prices indicated on the product page are valid until the purchase procedure is completed.

If a Product is on promotion and the discount percentage and/or original price are shown, this information refers to the normal price applied on the E-commerce.

Any taxes, fees, customs duties, or other charges required by the legislation of the destination country of the Products will be entirely borne by the Customer and must be paid upon delivery directly to the tax, customs authorities, or the courier in charge of the delivery.


The Customer can make the payment of the amount due using the payment methods available on the E-commerce, including credit card, debit card, PayPal, Stripe.

SuperYou reserves the right to modify or add new payment methods for the Customer. However, the available payment instruments will be those listed on the E-commerce at the time the Customer submits the order.

For payments via PayPal and Stripe, at the time of order submission, the Customer is redirected to the secure site of PayPal and Stripe to complete the payment using their account according to the terms and conditions of the service subscribed with these providers.

The amount is charged to the account at the time of order confirmation. The price of the Products remains unchanged regardless of the chosen payment method.


SuperYou ships the Products only

after receiving the payment of the price. On average, the shipment takes place within 2 (two) business days following the payment.

The indicated delivery times are estimated and not binding. SuperYou is not responsible for any delivery delays.

SuperYou uses selected express couriers based on the purchased Product and the destination. The shipment is made to the delivery address indicated by the Customer during the order.

The Customer can monitor the order status through the "Track your order" function provided by the courier. The function is accessible in the Customer's Personal Area and in the shipping confirmation email.

Upon delivery, the Customer is required to verify the integrity of the packaging and/or the Product packaging. In case of damage, the Customer must:

- Place a control reservation on the courier's delivery receipt.
- Inform SuperYou by registered letter or equivalent technology.

If the Customer signs the delivery receipt without any complaint, they can no longer make claims regarding the external characteristics of the delivered Products.


SuperYou is not responsible for delivery delays attributable to external causes, such as adverse weather events, strikes or labor unrest, and logistical issues. In case of delay, SuperYou will inform the Customer, indicating, if possible, new delivery times and methods.

By making a purchase, the Customer accepts the possibility of delivery delays. If the delay exceeds 90 (ninety) days from the expected date, the Customer can withdraw from the purchase contract.

At the time of purchase, carefully read the information on delivery times. In case of doubt, contact SuperYou's customer service. If a delay occurs, keep SuperYou's communication with the new delivery times.


The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract without any reason and without penalty within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receiving the Product. The reference date is the one indicated on the delivery receipt.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer must communicate their intention to withdraw from the contract to SuperYou. They can do so in two ways:

- Send an email to hello@superyouskin.com with the subject: Withdrawal order [insert order number]
- Send a registered letter to:
SuperYou at Deseo S.r.l.
Via Cavone, 4
80079 - Procida (NA).

The withdrawal communication must contain:
- Customer's name and surname;
- Customer's address;
- Order number, purchase date, and order receipt date;
- Express declaration of the intention to withdraw from the purchase contract;
- Description of the item, quantity, reason for return, and related amount paid.

The withdrawal communication may reflect the following format:

**Withdrawal Form (pursuant to Article 49, paragraph 1, letter h)**
SuperYou at Deseo srl, email: hello@superyouskin.com

I hereby notify the withdrawal from the sales contract number (insert order number) and specifically from the following purchased goods (indicate whether you intend to withdraw from the entire order or only part of it, in the second case, specify the products to be returned) ______________ Ordered on ____________ and received on ____________

Name of the consumer(s) to whom the order is addressed ____________________
Address of the consumer to whom the order was sent ____________________

Signature of the consumer(s)

In the case of correctly exercised withdrawal, the Customer is required to return the Product to SuperYou within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the withdrawal communication. Return shipping costs are borne by the Customer.

Upon receiving the withdrawal communication, SuperYou will refund the Customer the price of the Product, including standard shipping costs (except for any additional costs due to a particular type of delivery requested by the Customer, different from the most economical standard delivery offered by SuperYou). The refund will be made within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal communication and will be carried out through the same payment method chosen for the first transaction unless the Customer has expressly requested a different payment method; in any case, the Customer will not incur any costs as a result of the refund.

SuperYou may withhold the refund until receiving the returned Product or until the Customer provides proof of shipment.

The Product must be returned intact and in the usual state of wear. If the Customer does not comply with the return conditions, they will not be entitled to any refund.

Return shipping costs are borne by the Customer, as provided by Article 57, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code.

The right of withdrawal does not apply to the purchase of Digital Gift Cards (or Gift Vouchers). The amount spent on purchasing this type of product will not be refunded.

12. **SECURITY**

To ensure that the use of credit, debit, or prepaid cards by customers occurs only with their consent, SuperYou will verify the name, address, and other personal data provided during the ordering phase, through comparison with third-party databases, respecting its privacy policy. In this process, the customer's personal data may be shared with a certified credit entity, which may keep track of this information. This verification aims solely to confirm the customer's identity, without affecting their credit rating or conducting credit checks.

If an order is identified as fraudulent or in violation of sales regulations, it will be immediately canceled.


SuperYou markets its products in compliance with current laws, emphasizing that the purchase is intended only for customers who consciously consent, being fully aware of the potential allergenic properties present in the products and their ingredients.

It is the customer's obligation to follow the instructions provided on the labels for proper product storage, including keeping them in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources or prolonged light exposure, considering their possible flammability.

The responsibility to check the ingredient list to identify any allergens present in the products lies with the customer, who must also adhere to the specific warnings indicated on the label for safe and moderate product use.

It is essential to pay attention to the expiration date or minimum conservation date indicated on the labeling and/or packaging, as the products may lose their original properties after this period. In case of adverse reactions during product use, it is advisable to immediately discontinue use and consult a health professional.

It is also recommended to keep the products out of reach of children and pets.


These General Conditions, as well as any sales contract concluded between the parties, are subject to Italian law. This does not preclude the applicability of more favorable mandatory norms present in the customer's country of residence. In case of disputes relating to the interpretation or implementation of the General Conditions, the judicial authority of the customer's place of residence or domicile, provided it is within Italian territory, will be competent.


The alternative dispute resolution process involves a third, impartial entity that analyzes the details of a dispute, offering a solution without the need for the customer to resort to judicial intervention. If the customer is not satisfied with how SuperYou has handled a complaint, they have the opportunity to file a complaint through the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform.


To file a complaint, you can contact SuperYou directly through the following channels:
- By completing and submitting the contact form available at: https://www.superyouskin.com/pages/contatti;
- By sending an email to: hello@superyouskin.com.

17. **PRIVACY**

The Customer is invited to consult the privacy policy available in the dedicated "Privacy Policy" section on the E-commerce.

18. **CONTACTS**

Customers can contact SuperYou directly by sending an email to: hello@superyouskin.com or using the contact form available on the E-commerce at: https://www.superyouskin.com/pages/contatti.

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