Terms & Conditions

The website available at https://www.superyouskin.com/ (hereinafter "Site") is owned by Deseo S.r.l. ("Deseo") with registered office at via Cavone 4, Procida 80079 (NA), certified email address PEC, VAT number 6191211215, and these terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions of Use") govern its use by the User ("User").


The Site features a specific area dedicated to e-commerce aimed at consumers; in the event of purchasing products within it, the terms of sale present in the dedicated section at the bottom of the site pages called "Terms of Sale" will apply.


Deseo assumes no responsibility regarding the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the data, content, and information owned or otherwise entered or contained on the Site and/or linked sites. Deseo will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the reviews of the Products published by users on the Website are indeed Consumers who have purchased and/or used the Products. Reviews posted on the Website may not be fully verified and/or correspond completely to reality, even for technical reasons.

The User is required to verify, before making any decision, including those related to purchase, the accuracy of the information provided on the Site. Deseo disclaims any responsibility for errors or omissions resulting from the use of data and information present on its Site. The User agrees that communications made through the Site – including email communications – are not confidential.


The Site, considered as a whole, as well as all the material contained therein, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights laws.

The content, materials, databases, works published or otherwise present on the Site, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, images, photographs, press releases, and general documents reproduced, as well as the application software, html codes, are the exclusive property of Deseo, or used with the authorization or license of the respective rights holder.

The User may use said content only if such activity is necessary for the proper use of the Site and therefore may not freely use it.

Deseo reserves all rights to them, including, in particular, the right of publication. Therefore, the dissemination of images taken from the Site is prohibited.

Any other use of the aforementioned material, for any purpose, is prohibited without prior consent from Deseo.


Hyperlinks on the Site may direct the User to third-party web pages deemed of interest.

The user acknowledges and agrees that Deseo has no control over the content of such sites and as a mere third party has no responsibility for the content and/or material, including advertising, disclosed therein or for external resources or for the products or services offered.


Regarding the processing of the User's personal data, please refer to the information available in the dedicated sections at the bottom of the Site pages, called "Privacy Policy" and "Cookie Policy".


The user can choose to register on our Site if they are at least 16 years old. We reserve the right to limit the use of the Site, specific programs, or promotions to visitors who have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence. By registering on the Site, the user agrees to (a) provide accurate, current, and complete information as requested by the Site's registration form ("Registration Data"); (b) ensure the security of the password; (c) promptly update the Registration Data and any other information provided upon registration; (d) accept all risks and responsibilities for unauthorized access to the registration data and any other information provided. We reserve the right to refuse service or close accounts without notice if these Terms of the site are violated or if we decide, at our sole discretion, that it would be in our best interest to do so.


User Content

When the user provides, transmits, publishes, emails, or otherwise makes available text, graphics, images, audio, video, or other material ("User Content") on the Site, they are entirely responsible for such User Content. The user expressly agrees not to provide, post, upload, distribute, store, create, send or transmit through, or otherwise publish on the Site any User Content that: (a) is illegal, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, an invasion of privacy or publicity rights, offensive, provocative, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable; (b) would constitute, encourage, or provide instructions for a criminal offense, violate the rights of any party, or otherwise create liability or violate any local, state, national, foreign, or international law, including, without limitation, any applicable stock exchange rules; (c) may infringe patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or other intellectual or proprietary rights of any party; (d) impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity; (e) constitutes unsolicited promotions, political campaigns, advertising or solicitations or any form of "spam"; (f) includes private information of third parties, including, without limitation, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and similar; (g) contains viruses, corrupted data, or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; (h) is unrelated to the topic of the Site; or (i) is objectionable or restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Site, or that may expose Deseo or its affiliates or its users to any harm or liability of any kind.

Deseo assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for User Content and any other content provided by third parties, or for any loss or damage thereto. Deseo is not responsible for any errors, defamation, slander, libel, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography, or profanity you may encounter on the Site. Deseo is not responsible for any statements, representations, or User Content and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of User Content. Deseo reserves the right to remove, without notice, any User Content posted or stored on the Site if it violates these Site Terms or is otherwise illegal.

Any violation of the foregoing violates these Site Terms and may result in, among other things, the termination or suspension of your rights to use the Site.


With respect to any disputes regarding the Site, all rights, obligations, and actions contemplated by these Site Terms will be governed by Italian law, without regard to its conflicts of law principles, as if the Site Terms were a contract wholly entered into and wholly performed in Italy. The user agrees that any claims they may have against Deseo arising out of or related to the Site will be examined and resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Italy.


The site also contains third-party information and links to other websites. Deseo does not control the accuracy of the information contained in these other sites or their content. Consequently, Deseo can in no way be held responsible for damages resulting from the use, access, or inability to use this third-party information or the content of other websites.
Deseo cannot be held liable in particular concerning the integrity, accuracy, timeliness, non-infringement, availability, reliability, or completeness of the information, products, accessories, or services appearing on the Site or their suitability for the use that the user intends to make of them.
The User waives and agrees not to make any claim or take any action of any nature against Deseo, its affiliates, or their respective directors, officers, attorneys, employees, or agents, arising from or in any way related to the use of the Site, services, the content of the Site, or products, content, or material contained or accessible through the Site, including, without limitation, any claims or allegations regarding the alleged infringement of intellectual property rights, alleged inaccuracy of the site's content.

In no event shall Deseo's total liability, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence, whether active, passive, or imputed), product liability, strict liability, or other theory, arising out of or relating to the use of the site exceed the amount of 50 EURO.

Because some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for damages, some of the above limitations may not apply.


These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Italian Law.


You can contact Deseo directly at the following addresses:

Deseo S.r.l., via Cavone, 4, Procida (NA) 80079

Email: info@superyouskin.com

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